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Cold rolled steel strip expertise in Europe, North America, South America and Asia

Waelzholz has been present globally for several years. We serve our customers directly in their target markets with our production sites, service centers and sales offices in Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Our products and know-how are available at our partners’ doorsteps and are constantly being developed and expanded.

The share of our international sales is currently 65 percent and 33 percent of our products are produced outside of Europe. Our international locations collaborate closely with the materials technology and quality management departments at our company headquarters in Hagen. In this way we can guarantee our customers high-quality consultation and consistently high product quality across the globe.

Material solutions and on-site consulting France

The sales office in Meyzieu, near Lyon, offers customers in France customized steel strip solutions and services. / more 

Maximum flexibility for materials and logistics Mexico

The sales office in Mexico City offers local customers Waelzholz’s entire range of products and services, including full administrative services in the field of import and customs clearance. / more 

Steel strip solutions for Eastern Europe Poland

Through its sales office in Gliwice, Poland, Waelzholz offers its entire product range, including personalized services, to customers in Eastern Europe. / more